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                   Dealing with the Emotions of CF

People are like stained - glass windows. They sparkle and shine when the sun is out, but when the darkness sets in, their true beauty is revealed only if there is a light from within.  - Elisabeth Kubler-Ross

There's just no doubt about it. Whether you're a parent, child or adult- living with CF is hard. Of course we do our best to handle it well but there are those moments. In the quiet of the night. When you wonder: "Why?" And the grief hits you like a brick.

Research shows that our emotional state has a direct impact on our attitudes, behaviors, and physical health. Emotions can't be ignored. However, we also can't allow them to run out of control, either. It's a tough balancing act that is different for each individual. 

I have found that having a little bit of knowledge about the emotions that are expected to come up with CF help me to deal with them better. And then I am more prepared to help my children handle their emotional struggles, too.  Here are some articles that I hope will help you, too. 

  How to Stay COOL When You Feel HOT!
  Including Families Who Have Children with Disabilities into Parent & Family Education
  Parent's Grief Process After a CF Diagnosis
  Keeping Hope Alive During Tough Times
  Riding the Emotional Rollercoaster of Your Child’s Diagnosis
  The Unspoken Concern: Post Traumatic Stress Disorder in CF
  Depression in Children and Adolescents with a Chronic Disease

This website is the sole property of Lisa C. Greene, M.A., CFLE. Lisa is a certified parent coach, certified family life educator, public speaker, and a mom. She is also the co-author with Foster Cline, MD of the award-winning Love and Logic® book “Parenting Children with Health Issues.” For more information,  visit visit www.ParentingChildrenWithHealthIssues.com.  
© 2007 – 2023 All materials on this website are copyrighted by Lisa C. Greene dba Happy Heart Famillies unless otherwise noted. 
All Rights reserved. Please contact Lisa for permission to reprint. Thank you.

The information published on this website or in any connected material is the opinion of Lisa C. Greene dba Happy Heart Families only and is not meant to replace professional medical or mental health care.  Persons should always seek the advice of a medical professional when making decisions about personal healthcare or treatment.

Contact: Happy Heart Families at: 10016 Edmonds Way, C#223, Edmonds, WA 98020  (425) 298-7197 or visit Contact Info to send an email.