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Marketing Descriptions for Your Flyers  

Here are marketing descriptions which you can use for your flyers when you invite Lisa to speak at your CF organization.

Please note that the subject matter is dependent upon the time alloted for Lisa's presentation. She prefers at least 90 minutes for the formal presentation plus Q&A time. If you are having one of Lisa's young adult children speak too, please allow an additional 45- 60 minutes. 


Winning with CF: Tools and Tips for Raising Happy, Healthier Kids

Do you ever worry about your child not taking good care of him or herself when you're not
around? Or maybe your child is showing some frustration or resistance around doing all of
the things it takes to stay healthy. Do you ever wish there was an instruction manual for
parenting kids with cystic fibrosis? Good news– there is!! 

You will learn techniques that:

  • Are simple and easy to learn
  • Teach resilience, responsibility, character and good coping skills
  • Lower your stress level
  • Have immediate and positive effects
  • Up the odds your child’s transition to independence will be fun instead of frantic
In this workshop, you'll discover how to:
  • Motivate kids to make wise choices about taking care of their bodies because they want to and not just because you tell them to…
  • Put an end to power struggles, arguing, whining, and complaining.
  • Prevent problems before they start by using effective tools early on.
  • Promote responsibility without nagging, lecturing, yelling, or bribing.
  • Talk about difficult issues such as life expectancy or negative medical information.
  • Prepare your child for the transition into the real world.
  • Raise confidant, resilient kids with good coping skills and hope for the future.
  • Increase the odds that your child will lead a healthier, happy life!

 About Lisa C. Greene, M.A., CFLE

Lisa is the mother of two teens with cystic fibrosis, international public speaker, and a certified family life educator. She is also the co-author of the award-winning book “Parenting Children with Health Issues” which is based on the popular Love and Logic® parenting program. 
Lisa’s message is: "You can do it!" After this informative and entertaining workshop, you’ll walk away with immediately applicable tools, a lighter step, and hope for the future 

                                   About Lisa's Resources

Over the years, Lisa had created several resources for parents and professionals including books, audios, and videos. They are available through Love and Logic (not amazon). Click here to visit the website Lisa has created with Foster Cline, MD, cofounder of Love and Logic. 

Here is Lisa's first, and most popular, book:

Parenting Children with Health Issues; Essential Tools, Tips and Tactics for Raising Kids with Chronic Illness, Medical Conditions and Special Healthcare Needs
by Foster Cline, MD and Lisa C. Greene 

Recipient of the 2008 Mom's Choice® Gold Award, Winner of the Parenting & Family category of 2008 Indie Excellence Awards, and Finalist for Foreword's 2007 Book of the Year Awards!

Learn essential parenting skills to raise children to be as happy and healthy as possible. Increase the odds of medical adherence, effectively talk with children about their health challenges, avoid power struggles over self-care issues, and create loving, respectful relationships.

List Price $24.95; Discount pricing is available for bulk purchases. Order directly from Love and Logic at 800-338-4065.

CLICK HERE for Discount Pricing Information



Lisa is excited to announce her newest book!

No More No! How to Gain Your Child's Cooperation with Self-Care, Medication and Just About Everything Else

Avalalable as an e-book ($4.95) and paperback ($6.95) at Amazon. 

It's not easy to get a child to take medication. We all know what happens when we say, "Here, take this pill!" Whether a child is taking a one-time course of antibiotics for an ear infection or needs to take medication regularly for a chronic condition, medical adherence is critical. The better children can be at taking their medications as prescribed, the more likely they are to get better and/or stay well. Kids of all ages from toddlers to teens will be more willing to take their medication and do medical treatments when parents and medical professionals use the tools in this book.

Written by Lisa C. Greene, MA CFLE, a mom who knows what it's like to raise a child who has health issues. Lisa is the mom of two with special healthcare needs as well as an author, speaker and family advocate. In addition to plenty of real-life experiences, Lisa has a master's degree in Family Life Education and is the co-author with Foster W. Cline, MD of the award-winning book "Parenting Children with Health Issues", based on the popular Love and Logic parenting approach.