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Tools and Tips for Caring for Infants with CF  

The first two years of life are very important for your child's healthy physical and emotional development. Getting the proper nutrition and medical care are essential. Paying attention to your little one's emotional development is critical, too. The ability to give and receive love are rooted in these early years.

Here are some articles to help you take care of your baby's special physical needs plus ways to build and strengthen the bonds of attachment with your baby.

  Comfort Holds for Procedures
  Pamphlet: Caring for Your Infant
  Where’s The Instruction Manual for This Child?
  Ages and Stages: The Early Years
  Video: CF Infant Care: First Year of Life
  CF and Nutrition in the First Year- The Basics
  Health Maintenance Recommendations for Infants with CF
  Babies and Breathing Treatments: Do's and Don'ts
  Tips for Giving Oral Medications to Babies
  Understanding Brain Development in Young Children


The development of a child's brain holds the key to the child's future. Although the "first years last forever" in terms of the rapid development of young children's brains, the actual first years of a child's life go by very quickly. So touch, talk, read, smile, sing, count and play with your children. It does more than make both of you feel good. It helps a child's brain develop and nourishes the child's potential for a lifetime.

 In the words In



This website is the sole property of Lisa C. Greene, M.A., CFLE. Lisa is a certified parent coach, certified family life educator, public speaker, and a mom. She is also the co-author with Foster Cline, MD of the award-winning Love and Logic® book “Parenting Children with Health Issues.” For more information,  visit visit www.ParentingChildrenWithHealthIssues.com.  
© 2007 – 2023 All materials on this website are copyrighted by Lisa C. Greene dba Happy Heart Famillies unless otherwise noted. 
All Rights reserved. Please contact Lisa for permission to reprint. Thank you.

The information published on this website or in any connected material is the opinion of Lisa C. Greene dba Happy Heart Families only and is not meant to replace professional medical or mental health care.  Persons should always seek the advice of a medical professional when making decisions about personal healthcare or treatment.

Contact: Happy Heart Families at: 10016 Edmonds Way, C#223, Edmonds, WA 98020  (425) 298-7197 or visit Contact Info to send an email.